Saturday, May 30, 2020

   I would be remiss if I didn't include one of Mike's favorite sketch card genres in an early post of this blog. Mike LOVES Indiana Jones. Topps put out three Indiana Jones sets in one year- 2008- the year that "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" was released. I don't know this for an absolute fact, but I'm pretty sure Mike enjoyed doing those 3 sets as much as any he has done.
   This particular sketch came from the first set from that year- "Indiana Jones Heritage". Mike used a few diferent styles over the 3 sets, all of which I found very cool. I like all of Mike's sketches from these sets, but particularly the ones with Indy. I was very happy to be able to pick this one up as the square head style just cracks me up.
   I have more Indiana Jones sketches but I'll save them for future posts. Until then, thanks for reading!

#indianajones #michaelduron #Locoduck #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #raidersofthelostark #indianajonesandthetempleofdoom #indianajonesandthelastcrusade #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #longhashtags #harrisonford #indy #drjones @michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio


  1. LOVE this card - might be my favorite Locoduck Indy sketch ever....awesome!!!!!

    1. Thanks- it's my favorite of my Indiana Jones sketches too although I do have a few other beauties coming up soon.
