Monday, May 25, 2020

   If you read any of my original blog, you know that I'm a big fan of both "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars". I consider them the two greatest movie series of all times (no offense to "Harry Potter" fans as I am one of them, but it comes in at #3 on my list). I run a Lord of the Rings group on Facebook called "Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Collectible Card Group" for people who enjoy Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trading cards. The first sketch card I ever bought was a Gandalf sketch by Mike- and it's featured in the first post of my original blog. In fact, looking back a lot of my posts from that first year (2008) were about Lord of the Rings cards by Mike. So it's no surprise that any chance I get to pick up Lord of the Rings sketches by Mike, I do it.
   Today's post is about two such cards that I picked up last year, both from "Masterpieces". I got them in a blockbuster trade with a Duron mega-collector. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse for one of Mike's "Star Wars Illustrated: ESB" panoramic sketches.
   The first one is from a scene in "Fellowship of the Ring" where Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin hid under the roots of a tree from one of the Nazgul- also known as Ringwraiths or Dark Riders. I love how Mike drew it.
   The second one is of "Denethor" the Steward of Gondor. It's a great depiction of Denethor who always had a sour look on his face. I'm not sure how many sketches Mike did in that style, with the character's name written in block style under the sketch, but I like the few that I've seen. 
   More to come soon. Thanks for reading!
#lordoftherings #michaelduron #Locoduck #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #hobbits #frodobaggins #frodo #elijahwood #samwisegamgee #sam #seanastin #meriadocbrandybuck #merry #dominicmonaghan #peregrintook #pippin #billyboyd #fellowshipofthering #Nazgul #ringwraith #darkriders #denethor #stewardofgondor #returnoftheking #minastirith #johnnoble @michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio

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