Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Note: Today's card is no longer in my collection. It comes from 2017 Galactic Files Reborn, which I believe is the last official Star Wars set that Mike participated in. For those who don't know and in case I didn't mention this before, Disney, which purchased the Star Wars franchise in late 2012 from George Lucas for $4.05b, decided in 2015 that for Topps Star Wars products they only wanted photorealistic sketch cards. For me, it completely changed my view of the hobby. While I appreciate the art of photorealistic sketches, they don't excite me like the cartoony sketches. There isn't much creativity in the photorealistic style- it's more of a drawing/painting contest. And while it produces a lot of great looking cards, it removed all the creativity from the product. Gone were artists I loved: Mike, Nina Edlund, Katie Cook, Jon Morris, Val Brazier, Chris Eliopoulos, Jeff Chandler, Brent Engstrom, Brian DeGuire, and a slew of other great cartoony artists that I am forgetting.

   Today's card is Dengar the Bounty Hunter who, I believe was first seen on film in The Empire Strikes Back. I bought this card off eBay and fully intended to keep it. But when a good friend agreed to trade me another more rare Duron panoramic sketch, even though this Dengar wasn't part of the trade this good friend collects Dengar sketches so I sent it to him as a gift. I believe it's the first time I ever gave away a sketch by Mike. I asked his permission to let me use it for this post, and he graciously agreed. 

   As for the style, per Topps' rules their sketches have to be photorealistic, and I think Mike did a fantastic job on this one. You can tell it's one of Mike's sketches, but in some ways it doesn't feel like one of Mike's sketches- if that makes any sense. One thing it does is shows Mike's versatility. My two favorite things about this sketch are: #1) the nasty look on Dengar's face, and #2) the background. The background is nothing elaborate, but it adds a level of depth to the sketch. 

   That's all for this week. Thanks to my good friend Derek for letting me use a picture of his Dengar sketch. And thanks to all for stopping by and reading!

#starwars #michaelduron #locoduck #locoduckduron #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #dengar #bounty hunter #empirestrikesback #ninaedlund #katiecook #jonmorris #valbrazier #chriseliopoulos #jeffchandler #brentengstrom #briandeguire @michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Legolas Greenleaf, son of King Thranduil, is a Sindarin Elf of the woodland realm in Mirkwood, and one of the most important members of the Fellowship of the Ring. 

   There have been two actors to play Legolas in Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies- Orlando Bloom in the newer versions, and Anthony Daniels (more well known as "C-3PO" in the Star Wars world) voiced Legolas in the animated 1978 "Lord of the Rings" movie by Ralph Bakshi. Orlando Bloom was a relative unknown when he took on the role, and Anthony Daniels (minus his newfound Star Wars fame and attention) had very few acting credits to his name. For Bloom, it was the role that launched his career.

   Back to the Fellowship, I love the story from the book and how it plays out in the movie- the intense dislike between Elves and Dwarfs- you can see the contempt between the groups as they discuss the fate of the One Ring at Elrond's council. Gimli states it flat out: "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!" And when Legolas volunteers to join the Fellowship, Gimli makes sure he is next in line. Thus begins an interesting relationship, that ends with Legolas and Gimli being the best of friends. Tolkien was such a master storyteller. 

  I like contrasting how Mike draws a character now as compared with in the past, so the top card is the new one Mike did for me this year, and the bottom card is from Masterpieces II back in 2007-08. Of course you also have to realize the bottom card was pack inserted, and Mike didn't have time to color and add a lot of detail to those pack inserted sketches, while the top card is a commission where he could take his time and do what he wanted. I love both cards- the detail and color of the new one, and the simplicity and crosshatch shading in the background of the older one. 

   That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by and reading!

#lordoftherings #michaelduron #locoduck #locoduckduron #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #fellowshipofthering #thetwotowers #returnoftheking #desolationofsmaug #battleoffivearmies #legolas #legolasgreenleaf #orlandobloom #anthonydaniels @michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

       Chewbacca punch!! That's my name for this week's sketch. Who doesn't love a Wookie? I know I do! Granted this sketch is only Chewbacca's fist and a Stormtrooper in pain, but you get the point. This sketch was done by Mike for 2011 Topps Star Wars Galaxy 6.

   I know "Solo: A Star Wars Story" wasn't a box office hit but I enjoyed the story, in particular the part showing how and when Han Solo and Chewbacca met. I think it's also a cool moment when Han finds out how old Chewy is and their difference in age. "190 years old? You look great!" Who knew Wookies had such long lifespans?! 

 I went back through my first blog (The Locoduck Blog- For Fans of Michael Duron) and found that I had done blog posts on four Chewbacca sketches. 

   Lots of different styles and perspectives on Chewbacca- angry, stoic, enraged, and puppy dog? No matter how he's drawn, he's still a fan favorite. 
   That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by and reading! 
#starwars #michaelduron #locoduck #locoduckduron #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #chewbacca #chewy  #wookie #petermayhew #joonassuotamo #soloastarwarsstory @michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    I love how "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" opens with a flashback to Indy's youth as a way of giving us some insight into Indiana Jones' character. Set in 1912, Indy is with his Boy Scout Troop at Arches National Park and comes across treasure hunters digging up an ancient artifact- the Cross of Coronado. Young Indy steals the Cross, runs from the treasure hunters, and takes the Cross back home to his father where he is first chided for interrupting his father, then made to return the Cross to the treasure hunters by the local sheriff. Along the way we see Indy's first use of what later becomes his constant sidekick- a leather whip, how he got the scar on his chin (from the whip), and where his phobia of snakes took root (falling into a crate of snakes can do that). Ironically, this sketch of Indy and his Boy Scout friend Herman shows Indy's blatant disregard towards snakes. It happens before the crate of snakes. 

   It constantly amazes me how Mike does some of these sketches with not much detail, but they tell the full story of the scene with ease. Mike draws River Phoenix (Indy) with no mouth, but the beady eyes and steely look conveys Indy's determination to stop the treasure hunters. Herman was scared and apprehensive, and his chubby cheeks and eyes give off that impression. The snake... well, he's just hanging out like "what did I do?" lol. Seeing this sketch brings this scene alive in my memory, and that's probably why I love sketch art so much. A sketch card can make you love a movie all over again. Anyways thanks for stopping by and reading!

#indianajones #michaelduron #locoduck #locoduckduron #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #indianajonesandthelastcrusade #raidersofthelostark #indianajonesandthetempleofdoom #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #harrisonford #riverphoenix #youngindianajones #snakes #leatherwhip #crossofcoronado @michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio