Wednesday, September 8, 2021

   Sorry that it's been a few weeks since my last post. I'm running low on inventory and Mike's cards aren't easy to pick up on a budget. Sometimes, when you least expect it, cards find you. Or in this case, it's nice to have great friends. I have a friend named Derek, he's a mega sketch card collector who's the biggest Empire Strikes Back fan that I know. I think he could quote the whole movie line for line if need be. He commissioned Mike to do two cards recently and he gifted them to me! Anyone who reads this blog knows that my favorite Star Wars scenes are the ones with Yoda (my favorite character) on Dagobah. So it's fitting that this first sketch card is just that- Yoda and R2D2 fighting over a light when Luke first (unbeknownst) meets Yoda on Dagobah. It's also on Widevision stock, which along with panoramic are my favorite card stocks. 

   Mike put a lot of detail into this sketch. I particularly like the shading, as I have always been fascinated at how great artists like Mike know exactly how to do the shading and highlights to enhance a sketch and make it even that much better. This scene always cracks me up in the movie- R2 staunchly defending his owner's stuff, and Yoda pushing the boundaries to see how Luke will react (hint: mostly like a whiny baby lol). Great stuff by Mike! 

   So thanks again to Derek for this week's card (and one more to be revealed soon), and thanks to all for stopping by and reading! 

#starwars #michaelduron #Locoduck #locoduckduron #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #yoda #masteryoda #jedimaster #jedi #r2d2 #artoo #droid #astromech #empirestrikesback #Dagobah #lukeskywalker #jediapprentice 

@michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! LocoDuck's artwork is so cool, that I just knew this scene would be perfect for his style! Keep the posts coming!
