This is part two of last week's blog post. When I was on my last Disney trip I asked Mike to do both my first and last names on "nameplate" art- and I chose my two favorite movie genres for each one. My first name was "Star Wars" themed, and my last name "Lord of the Rings" themed!
In case it hasn't become painfully obvious, I'm a huge "Lord of the Rings" fan. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons back in 1980 and "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" remind me of Dungeons and Dragons.
Anyways, back to the nameplate. I love it! Gandalf and the Balrog as the "B", Gimli and the Eye of Sauron as the "A", "Legolas" as the "K", and silhouettes of the Fellowship, a Nazgul, and the One Ring for the "E" and "R". Add in Frodo and Gollum hanging out on the fringe, and the chain for the ring weaving thru the picture and it's just one great piece of art. Mike definitely hit it out of the Park with both pieces!
Well, that's all for today. Thanks for stopping by and reading!
#lordoftherings #michaelduron #Locoduck #locoduckduron #artistsketchcard #artistsketch #sketch #gandalf #gandalfthegrey #gandalfthewhite #balrog #gimli #gimlisonofgloin #eyeofsauron #legolas #fellowshipofthering #thetwotowers #returnoftheking #frodobaggins #frodo #gollum #smeagol #myprecious
@michaelduron @locoduckduron @michaelduronportfolio
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